Ice Cream In The Middle Of The Beach
Since Brazil has so many miles of shoreline, it’s no surprise that the country gets plenty of nice sunny beach days. Is there any reason why you wouldn’t? Obviously, you’ll need to eat something while you’re relaxing on the beach. In addition, what better way to beat the heat than with ice cream? Beachgoers in Maragogi can get their ice cream fix without having to leave the water thanks to this ice cream cart. What could be better than a scoop of coral reef ice cream?

Go Away, Human
It doesn’t matter what kind of pet you’re dealing with; before petting or playing with them, make sure they want your attention. Even if it’s difficult to discern, you shouldn’t be concerned. Signs warn onlookers that this is Marcelo’s house and that he’s not a big admirer of visitors adorning the box he’s in. “Go Away” and “danger” should be sufficient to convey the message.
Capybara Bread
Capybaras, if you’ve never seen one, are large, cute rodents native to South America. To put it another way, if you ever found yourself in Brazil, you’d probably run into a few!

A capybara-shaped loaf of bread was used in this television show for a clever trick. If you’re looking for a creative way to incorporate a local animal into a dinner party theme, this is a great option. Everything went off without a hitch here!
Capybaras Playing
Driving can necessitate keeping an eye out for more than just vehicles. Animals like deer, for example, are well-known for crossing the road. Fortunately, there are numerous signs designating areas of the road where wildlife is known to congregate.

Capybaras Playing
They can use this as an additional means of alerting people to the possibility of encounters with animals. In this sign, drivers are warned to keep an eye out for capybaras who may be lurking near or on the roadways.
Soapy Fountain
It would appear that there is a virtually endless supply of potential pranks to choose from. The question is, what do you do when you have the urge to pull an amusing prank on someone?

Soapy Fountain
According to the person who threw the soap into the fountain in Tatu, the purpose was to see what would happen. Bubbles gushed out of the fountain and into the road surrounding it as a result. What we don’t know is how long it took the culprits to realize their mistake.
A Good Deal
There are times when it’s best not to save money. You should probably stick to following the entire construction process meticulously when you’re building a structure. On the other hand, it’s hard to resist the allure of a quick fix.

A Good Deal
Because they’re separated by a wall, they could have used three different lights. The only thing we can think of is how difficult it would be to replace the bulb if it went out.
You Have A Visitor
In some places, it’s not unusual to come across wild animals. However, depending on your location, the types of animals you see may vary. One morning in Brazil, a cow decided to set up shop in front of the Federal Police Station. It was pure coincidence.

You Have A Visitor
Not if it hadn’t refused to let anyone in and been so large, but that was a problem. The problem is that it’s difficult to move it unless it decides to do so on its own.
His Home Is Safe
Things evolve with the passage of time. When it came to these poles in Brazil, concrete poles were used instead of wood ones. Local wildlife, including this toucan who had nested in the pole, may have been disappointed by this development.

His Home Is Safe
That’s why the new pole’s builders made sure to keep the bird’s nest undamaged and in place when they constructed the structure. It appears that he loves it!
Use The Back Of Your Head
When you see something that you can’t explain, it leaves you wondering why someone would do something like that. In some cases, it does seem as if they’ve found a clever solution. This person’s hands were either tied or not available to assist.

Use The Back Of Your Head
Even so, they didn’t want to spend the entire time staring at their phone. Is there any other alternative but to use the back of their heads? It’s an ingenious solution to the issue at hand, even if it was unexpected.
Favorite Flavor
Ice cream parlors are fantastic places in which to spend time. At the end of the day, who doesn’t want to taste an ice cream flavor in the hopes of finding one they adore?

Favorite Flavor
For one thing, you can taste flavors you have never had before at ice cream parlours. You can even try a flavor that no one has ever tried before in this situation! According to Reddit user, “I don’t know” is the flavor’s name in Portuguese.
Found A Friend
An interesting story is being told in this post. Indeed, it’s so unbelievable that it’s understandable why they included a photo to support their argument. When this guy’s dog went missing, it was the beginning of an epic adventure.

Found A Friend
Fortunately, after a month of searching, the OP was able to locate and bring home his pup. In the week following his return, the pup was seen playing outside with a friend who looked exactly like the one he had when he went on his little runaway adventure.
Productive Free Time
Seeing what people come up with to try is fascinating. Most people spend their free time reading or watching television. In the case of this Brazilian YouTuber, that’s not the case.

Productive Free Time
A remarkable achievement that few could hope to achieve, he built his own submersible from scratch. To test his mettle, he even dove into the water with it. We’re awed by the effort, but even more so by the fact that it actually works!
New Kind Of Pet
Leashes are used by a lot of people to walk their animals. It’s a fantastic way to make sure they get some exercise while also preventing them from getting lost or hurt if they wander off.

New Kind Of Pet
If you see someone walking a dog while holding a leash, you should typically anticipate seeing a dog at the other end of the leash. That did not quite hold true in this scenario. This pet owner was simply making sure that his pet duck got some workout while he grabbed a quick bite while he was watching over his pet.
Need Space For BBQ?
You can’t hold it against someone for wanting to make something tasty for themselves or for their family to eat. However, how can you accomplish that with so little room?

Need Space For BBQ?
This person’s only goal was to indulge in a light barbecue, and they came up with a brilliant plan for how to make that happen. They were out of options, so why not just throw it out the window? After all, they didn’t have anywhere else to do it. It would appear that in a pinch, a satellite dish can function admirably as a table.
How To Not Be Robbed
There is a seemingly endless number of strategies that retail establishments implement to combat shoplifting. A metal detector can be found at the entrance of many stores.

How To Not Be Robbed
However, this Brazilian shop had a different, much simpler idea. To keep things simple, they only displayed the shoes on the left foot. You can still try on the flip-flops, but you won’t be able to steal a pair. When you check out, you’ll be given a free second pair of shoes.
Fashionista Phone
It’s no secret that smartphones can overheat quickly in the summertime. A driver in Brazil has to keep their phone from overheating in the sun, so how can they do this?

Fashionista Phone
If you can, try to keep your phone out of direct sunlight when it’s being used as a GPS. This Uber driver was able to come up with a creative solution — they attached a hat to their phone to protect it from the sun.
No More Space
Even in densely populated areas, traffic congestion can cause havoc. That isn’t just a problem for drivers who are self-employed. There is no guarantee of a seat on public transportation, and anyone who has done so knows this firsthand.

No More Space
Standing, on the other hand, isn’t always as convenient. On the roof’s emergency exit, these two took their seats to avoid either situation. Hope the bus didn’t encounter any low clearances, such as a bridge or a low road sign, on the way there!
WiFi Vs. Cat
Even if you’re staying in a comfortable place, you may miss out on a few amenities. For instance, a working Wi-Fi connection. However, they can compensate for this by providing additional perks unique to the location.

WiFi Vs. Cat
Few people, if any, would refuse to spend time in this lush haven with a cute little cat. We don’t need anything else to get us through the weekend when we can’t binge-watch our favorite shows because we have a cute cat.
Nature Taking What Belongs To It
Adding man-made elements usually necessitates removing some of the area’s natural features to make room. For example, clearing an area before building a road is necessary.

Nature Taking What Belongs To It
For a sidewalk, the same holds true. As long as those natural elements don’t return, it doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. For the first time in many years, the trees on this street in Brazil are encroaching on the sidewalk space with their sprawling roots.
Respect The Animals
Outside, you must show consideration for the wildlife you encounter. However, given the circumstances, you can’t really complain about them being there.

Respect The Animals
Furthermore, not all animals are as friendly as they appear to be. Black rats are a serious threat in this area. A rat attack is the worst possible way to end a peaceful walk, so it’s probably best to just follow the sign.
Cold Horses
As the temperature drops, you’ll need to take precautions to stay warm. That extends to everyone, not just you. The animals under your care deserve a warm and secure environment, of course.

Cold Horses
That is why there is such a high demand for dog sweaters. A coat that protects the horse’s face from the biting wind and keeps him warm was necessary for this situation.
If there are a lot of dogs in the area that don’t appear to have homes, you should probably take some action to help the situation. Many individuals choose to either provide food or even take in an animal as a pet.

On the other hand, it is clear that somebody in this room went above and beyond. They didn’t just build a single dog house; rather, they constructed an entire condominium complex for the dogs so that they would be protected from any harm while they slept. There is even a porch and stepping stones leading up to it when you get there.
The Downside
One of the most common stereotypes about Brazil is that the country is obsessed with soccer. However, there are a few drawbacks to living in close proximity to a soccer field. Even if the person enjoys watching the sport, they were annoyed by the number of balls that hit their window.

The Downside
Despite the fact that this spiked window cover appears to be their very last option, it does not appear to be ineffective. In addition, the angle at which those particular balls landed renders them effectively useless, so they will never again have the opportunity to hit the window.
No Tables On The Sidewalk
If you are going to establish a rule, you should probably check to see that there is not a straightforward way to get around it. After all, people are capable of quite a bit of ingenuity. According to the explanation provided by this Reddit user, this picture was taken not long after the mayor instituted a ban on placing tables on the sidewalk.

No Tables On The Sidewalk
The good news is that they came up with a strategy that allowed them to continue enjoying some outdoor social time while technically adhering to the rules. It’s safe to say that the sidewalk is not this truck bed.
Leveled Up Security
The trip to the supermarket is something that happens on a regular basis. Therefore, it is possible that you will be taken aback if you observe something that is unusual or not the norm. Because of this, the individual was taken aback when they discovered a change at their neighborhood grocery store.

Leveled Up Security
The store had taken extra security measures today, including adding security devices to the meat. We wonder how many pieces of meat were stolen before they decided to invest in these devices and whether they stuck around or not.
You Can Count On Grandma
If there’s one thing on which you can always count on your grandmother to deliver, it’s delicious food and adorable crafts to take care of the family. This grandmother is the same as the others.

You Can Count On Grandma
The grandmother of this OP immediately recognized his glaring omission upon his return home on this motorcycle. After all, having the kickstand scratch the floors would be a disgrace. What better solution is there to this problem than a small, crocheted mat?
The Confidence
There are a number of jobs that have stricter safety rules than others. It’s important to be cautious if you work with a lot of potentially lethal equipment.

The Confidence
When looking at this photo, we’re stumped as to where this person is employed. The propane tanks next to them are in danger of being ignited by these sparks. At the very least, you’ve shown some guts by trying it.
Where To Refuel?
We have already scratched the surface on the topic, but Brazil is blessed with an abundance of natural water features, ranging from rivers to beaches. That, in turn, indicates that there are a great number of boats.

Where To Refuel?
If you own a boat that is powered by an engine, you will eventually need to stop and get some fuel. However, if you are not in close proximity to the shore, there is no pressing need to freak out. One of the helpful solutions is this floating gas station that people can pull up to right on the water.
An Unplanned Interview
There is nothing that quite compares to the striking nature of some of the singular perspectives that are addressed in local news sources. They are prepared to obtain the point of view of members of the community whom you may not have considered interviewing.

An Unplanned Interview
In this particular instance, the anchor was aware that the dog they had run into had something significant to impart to them. It does not appear that they actually said very much, but we are curious as to whether or not this dog found the microphone to be as tasty as he had hoped. This is an interview where we wouldn’t want to miss a single minute of what’s being said.
Wasp Nest
There are some insects and animals that you should avoid coming into contact with. The vast majority of people flee in terror whenever even a single wasp enters their home or vehicle. We are not certain that we would be able to handle coming across a wasp nest like the one that was discovered in Brazil.

Wasp Nest
Fortunately, the peculiar find was abandoned, and it only weighed a little over 33 pounds. There is no way we would have been able to find this while it was active.
DIY Ladder
For certain tasks, you will need to have access to a ladder. In any other circumstance, it is just not possible to have any reasonable expectation of achieving certain goals.

DIY Ladder
The absence of a ladder did not dissuade this bunch. A few nearby materials were all that were needed to put together their own version of it. Their creation appears terrifying, but they all seemed to be quite confident in their work and unfazed by someone utilizing it. It worked out for them!
A Quick Getaway
Even in their own backyards, people can occasionally catch a glimpse of local wildlife. Opossums are common in many parts of the world, including Brazil, and they are one of the animals that you might see there. One day, however, this person noticed a particularly captivating scene when they looked out the window of their home.

A Quick Getaway
There was an opossum walking on the line outside the window, and not only that but there was also a mother opossum with all of her young hanging on for the ride. They succeeded in taking a picture of a very endearing family outing.
Secured Security Camera
You might go into certain kinds of businesses or public places, and you might get the impression that the security measures there are very seriously considered. A company has a number of options available to it in terms of actions that it can take.

Secured Security Camera
Concerning this particular company, they took the necessary precautions to protect everything, including the surveillance cameras that were already in place. It makes perfect sense; if someone were to steal the security camera, the business wouldn’t benefit from it very much. At least in this way, it is impossible for it to be stolen without any damage.
Dog’s Diet
Dietary supervision of a pet is the responsibility of the owner. They have the responsibility of ensuring that their puppy receives all of the necessary nutrients to maintain good health.

Dog’s Diet
When necessary, a pet’s diet may be altered by the veterinarian. In this situation, even harmless routines like stealing the dog treats can become a source of contention. This issue was circumvented by the owner of the dog by means of a simple accessory that read, “I’m on a diet; please refrain from feeding me bread.”
What A Strong Dog
Any person who owns a pet can attest to the fact that their animal companions will frequently take them by surprise. You’re going to be surprised to find out that they’re capable of doing a lot of things you didn’t think they could.

What A Strong Dog
Nevertheless, this dog may take the prize for the most impressive feats. At this point, we are forced to wonder how his teeth are able to be so strong, just as we are forced to wonder how strong his jaw is. The fact that this dog was seen walking around with a cinderblock begs the question of what motivated it in the first place.
Who’s The Real One?
Nobody ever said that working at a beach vendor stand selling cotton candy had to be a dull job. These vendors of cotton candy had a suggestion for how things could be made more interesting. On the other hand, it’s highly unlikely that they anticipated coming across two other people who shared the same idea as them.

Who’s The Real One?
Despite this, they were able to recognize the opportunity that was presented to them and seize it by recreating the Spider-Man meme. What other pose could possibly be more appropriate given the circumstances?
Just Don’t
Even if you’ve never actually interacted with one of these chicken toys in the real world, you should know that it makes noise. Dog toys typically make a lot of noise, and these are designed to do the same thing.

Just Don’t
As a result of this, there are now a lot of jokes and memes centered on these chickens. The owner of this store in Brazil had finally reached their breaking point when they posted this sign with the toys, pleading with customers to please stop squeezing the chickens. After some time, one would undoubtedly grow tired of it!
Buy Now, Pay Later
Don’t we all occasionally yearn for something that’s completely gratis? Even if we have to make the payment at a later date, it may still be a useful option for us right now. This company recognized the benefits of implementing a strategy of the “buy now, pay later” variety.

Buy Now, Pay Later
As a result, they offered the deal that you can see here to their clientele. It is not a problem if you want to make the purchase now but pay for it at a later time; however, you will only be able to do so after this eye blinks. It’s possible that you’ll have to wait for a while.
Up to this point, we’ve talked about a few different animals, and some of the more dangerous ones have even been covered. Therefore, it’s nice to have a change of pace every once in a while. It’s likely that the person who took this picture with the monkey didn’t anticipate getting such a wonderful outcome from the photo.

Nevertheless, when they took the picture, the monkey was prepared with a pose for the camera showing off both of its thumbs. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a picture that simply couldn’t have come out any better.
A Different Route
In order to facilitate travel from point A to point B and to manage the flow of traffic, pathways and bridges are frequently utilized. That is, assuming that people actually use them.

A Different Route
Concerning this group of three, it is impossible to definitively state that they are not on the way. They have just so happened to be completely on top of it all. We are curious as to whether or not it was difficult to climb on top of the path or whether or not it required additional effort to take this route.
The Comfiest WFH Set Up
There are a significant number of people who work or study from the convenience of their own homes. The conveniences of one’s own home are hard to beat, so why not make the most of them? It’s possible that this individual has thought of the best way to organize things here.

The Comfiest WFH Set Up
They achieved the ideal balance of productivity and relaxation by placing their laptop on a table that slid under a hammock so that they could continue working while swinging gently in the air. A spot in the shade and some breathing room would go a long way toward making this a pleasant working day.
New Design
If you have any money, the last thing you probably want is for something unforeseen to happen to it. After all, that’s more than just a stray piece of paper lying around!

New Design
Before jumping into the pool, this individual should have removed their money and identification from their pockets first, but they made a minor error by forgetting to do so. After getting wet, the two pieces of paper transferred the ink to one another, resulting in a self-portrait being printed on the finances.
He Did Try
There are some news stories that you read about crimes that make you stop and think for a moment. Some would make you laugh in bewilderment.

He Did Try
In the event that you are unable to read this headline, the story is about a man who was arrested for creating fake money. It would appear that they were proficient enough at it to use their fake money to pay their bail as well; however, their deception was not quite convincing enough for them to completely get away with it.