35+ Unusual Facts About Flying Airlines, Told By Flight Attendants
Flight attendants have seen a lot of things and know a lot about people. Just think about it. They’ve traveled the world and encountered a wide variety of people, which means they’ve had to deal with a variety of unfortunate situations. In light of this, perhaps you should just comply with the request of a flight attendant and return your seat to its original position. Even if you don’t understand what they’re saying or doing, there’s a reason for it. As a result of our research, we discovered a plethora of information on airline industry secrets that flight attendants have generously shared. Some of your questions about airline regulations may have been answered here.
The Flight Attendant Had A Good Night
This is a true story, but it was told by a passenger, not a flight attendant. So, one time, a gate check-in call was overheard by this person. An airline flight attendant who was drunk and had trouble arriving at hon time had been the subject of the story.

The Flight Attendant Had A Good Night
Just a few minutes later, the same flight was delayed because of some pre-flight maintenance issues. That’s a pretty good cover-up, right? Assuming they hadn’t heard the same call, everyone would have assumed that this passenger was simply making up the incidents that had occurred.
This one is both very funny and a little spooky. All of the travelers on the flight are listed by the flight attendants. Their full name and seat number are listed on the list. Yes, it makes sense. It’s a helpful safety precaution.

They frequently Google the passengers when they’re bored, but that wasn’t the secret since they have your information. Yep. That is the key. They’re not all creeps, but occasionally, just occasionally, when they have nothing better to do, they’ll stalk you online.
Delayed Flight
The fact that flight attendants aren’t paid fairly is a very sad fact. Another little-known fact is that flight attendants are just as irritated as passengers are when a flight is delayed, if not even more. Only the flight time is compensated to them.

Delayed Flight
As a result, if a flight is delayed, they will have to wait at the airport or greet passengers without getting paid. When you are only paid for the 55 minutes the plane is in the air, working for three to four hours is very difficult.
Sleeping Or Not?
Did you know that until the plane lands, flight attendants usually leave the deceased passengers in their seats? In the event that a passenger passes away during the flight, they will be draped in blankets to give the impression that they are sleeping.

Sleeping Or Not?
All of it is done so that other travelers don’t notice anything. Most of them would undoubtedly freak out if they do. We can’t think of any other logical course of action, so it’s a good move, but it still sounds a little unsettling.
Toxic Environment
Former Latin American airline flight attendant’s account of her time on the job. The pilots and co-pilots harassed her on a regular basis, she said, and it was a toxic work environment.

Toxic Environment
Some of them would also make indecent proposals to the hosts at any time. When she was on vacation, a pilot who was over 40 years old would text her. Just 19-years-old. Unfortunately, a lot worse has happened to hostesses before.
Emergency Code
They frequently change their emergency code according to an unidentified flight attendant. Their emergency code can be any term. They do this every few months. When it comes to the adjectives you can use, you can go as far as “awesome,” “outstanding,” “amazing,” “awesome,” “stunning,” etc. A code word is one that appears in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Emergency Code
When a member of the crew calls out the emergency word over the PA system to the pilot, the pilot’s response is straightforward. No matter what happens, the pilot will lock the cockpit and not allow anyone else to use it until they have done so.
Be Nice Always
This one is a secret, but it shouldn’t be. The reasoning here is straightforward. If you’re friendly to the other passengers, you’ll have a better chance of getting freebies and gift items during your flight.

Be Nice Always
In one instance, a baby was seated behind a couple. The baby was crying nonstop, and the parents were struggling to keep the baby under control. The couple then offered to assist and placed an order for the parents. The parents gave them a goodie bag a little while later!
They Don’t Hold Back
There will be times in a person’s life when they must take extreme measures to deal with an unforeseen circumstance. And from the perspective of a flight attendant, this is an extreme measure. From the viewpoint of a passenger, it is simply unthinkable!

They Don’t Hold Back
So, let’s get to it. If it’s necessary for a rowdy passenger to remain seated, a flight attendant won’t think twice about taping them to their seat. Although you wouldn’t frequently witness something of the sort, be aware that they won’t hold back!
They Just Know
On a flight with a flight attendant, never try to act too clever or smart. There really is nothing you can say to them that they really do not already know, so it won’t work. The greatest thing you can do for them is to be kind to them.

They Just Know
When you call the flight attendants, they are aware of what you will be telling them. They are aware of every grumble, demand, joke, and other things you could possibly say to them. They have probably heard it eight times by the time they reach their fourth flight of the day.
Thanks For Sharing
We’ve experienced our fair share of shocking secrets, so we believe it is only right that you are informed of the repulsive ones as well. One of the flight attendants shared this. When they feel bloated, flight attendants frequently fart while walking down the aisle.

Thanks For Sharing
Even as we type this, we have strange feelings. Therefore, there is a very high likelihood that a flight attendant has farted right by your head as they were walking down the aisle for all of the frequent flyers.
It’s Not Always Like What You Think
Although flying often seems sophisticated and glamorous, it’s not always like that. Although we don’t claim that incidents like these occur frequently, they do. On one occasion, a passenger on a flight was cornered and spit on.

It’s Not Always Like What You Think
Unfortunately, neither the company nor the police did anything about it. In addition to that, we have discussed the harassment that flight attendants experience. Pilots have also frequently attempted to obtain sexual favors while in flight, which is an abuse of their position of authority.
Ain’t Always Busy
Before we share this information with you, allow us to assure you that you are secure. Pilots are knowledgeable, experienced professionals. Because it requires years of training, flying is challenging. Consequently, you can fly with ease knowing that everything is in control.

Ain’t Always Busy
If you believe that the cockpit is always tense, you are mistaken. Although they must concentrate while landing and taking off, they frequently engage in similar activities to those of us seated in economy, such as using their phones or reading newspapers.
Thanks To The Automation
Pilots have benefited from automation in numerous ways. It can make the flight safer, but more importantly, it gives pilots the freedom to play on their phones or read while flying. They can watch movies, take pictures of other passengers, etc.

Thanks To The Automation
If there is an attractive passenger, they also talk about it among themselves. Oh, and if you ever notice coffee filter bags hanging somewhere, that means someone in the area stinks awfully bad. It makes sense because occasionally there are people on board with offensive body odor.
Crash Land Or Not?
Here are two brief stories from a former flight attendant. When the landing gear got stuck once, the pilot chose to fly the aircraft in circles for a very long time as they decided whether or not to crash land. Fortunately, the gear came down, allowing for a safe landing.

Crash Land Or Not?
None of the travelers were aware that anything was wrong. It’s frightening to consider that these things occur, but there are many safeguards in place to guarantee that everyone reaches their destination in a secure way. Just another good reason to treat your flight attendants nicely.
Coffee Creamer
A bald man once had coffee creamer spilled on his head by a flight attendant, according to another story. Thankfully, he was dozing off. Everyone agreed to keep quiet. Although they admitted that it was a really funny sight, the flight attendant did feel bad about it.

Coffee Creamer
It’s critical to keep in mind that flight attendants are people. They may come across as poised and flawless, but mistakes are acceptable. Contrary to some of their other responsibilities, spilling something is not a matter of life or death. Give them some slack for little mishaps like this.
Flying Tips
If you want to enjoy yourself on your flight, a flight attendant has provided you with the following very important advice. All you need for this advice is a box of chocolates. Or, it entails giving a box of chocolates to the flight attendants.

Flying Tips
You might receive all the complimentary snacks and alcohol (in some cases) they are able to offer you if you do this. That certainly is convenient. All of that is yours for the price of a box of chocolates. It’s preferable to having to pay for everything in the flight.
Just Drunk
A flight attendant once had trouble communicating over the intercom. The other workers were very worried about what was going on. They believed the flight attendant was experiencing a stroke. So, a different flight attendant entered and delivered a different announcement.

Just Drunk
They were all waiting for a different flight crew to take over when they heard the other announcement that the flight was delayed. The staff later discovered that the flight attendant with the slurred speech was simply intoxicated. Even trying to walk straight on the plane was impossible.
Got Ear Problems?
Here’s a hint: Flying is never recommended if you have an ear infection or even just fluid in your ears. The risk of rupturing your eardrums during the flight makes it extremely dangerous. Going to the ER is much worse than having your trip delayed.

Got Ear Problems?
Because they are constantly being pressurized and depressurized while at work, flight crew members are obviously more susceptible to these conditions. We, therefore, hope that those guys are taking the required safety measures to maintain their health.
Typical 9-5 Worker
The people who work as flight attendants are just like us. The only distinction is that their line of work differs somewhat from that of the typical 9–5 office worker. They rarely stay put and are frequently not even on the ground!

Typical 9-5 Worker
The job has a lot of benefits and some drawbacks as well. And only a few of them are already familiar to you. But I’ll tell you a quick joke that you might find amusing. They make references to the film Airplane! a lot!
First Few Things They Check
Do flight attendants not always extend a courteous greeting? Although it’s sort of a part of their job, when they’re welcoming you, their main goals are different. When they greet you, they first look you over to see if you’re intoxicated.

First Few Things They Check
The next thing they’re doing is assessing your strength and physical appearance. The rationale behind it is that if an emergency arises, they might call you. For instance, if they need to raise something or open the emergency door.
No Permanent Address
We have already informed you of the issues with their low pay, lengthy workweeks, and workplace harassment. Many people would therefore believe that things couldn’t possibly get worse, but alas, they do. A large number of flight attendants don’t have a home.

No Permanent Address
They primarily occupy the crew break rooms and their suitcases. Another ex-pilot claim that the pay for new flight attendants is incredibly low. Many don’t have or are unable to afford, permanent home because they are on the road so frequently.
What’s With The Table?
This one is the story of a former US carrier supervisor. A former employee’s child once completed a science project on germs. They collected samples from every location on the aircraft after the woman flew the child in during the night.

What’s With The Table?
Here is what they discovered. The tray tables were (cue drum roll) the location with the most fecal matter. We aren’t joking. When cleaning the restrooms, staff members frequently use the same gloves to clean the galley and other areas.
Just Be Kind
You have nothing to lose by being considerate of flight attendants. But if you’re not nice to them, it will cost you. Here’s another untold story. If you treat the flight attendants badly, they will send security to meet you at the airport.

Just Be Kind
Additionally, if you’re rude to them, they won’t mind giving you a bag of crumbs or crumbling your cookies or snack mixes. In order to avoid all the ridiculous questions that passengers ask them, they frequently hide in the galleys.
No Wasted Food
Let’s start by addressing the negative aspect. Almost all of the leftover food on flights must be thrown away. Because it is international waste, proper care must be taken of it. In summary, there is a lot of food waste caused by flights.

No Wasted Food
However, if a private aircraft is delayed, the food on that aircraft cannot be wasted. It must always go someplace. So, the cabin crew is the ones who get to enjoy all the delectable food! And it’s a good thing because they deserve it.
Human Remains
No one is ever officially pronounced dead while in a commercial flight. The crew and the officials will continue CPR after the body has been removed from the aircraft. The aircraft can be impounded by the coroner’s office while they conduct their investigation.

Human Remains
Human remains, which are defined as the remains of deceased passengers, are also shipped as cargo. Therefore, if you ever see a tall rectangular box being carefully loaded into a cargo bin, it’s most likely a coffin.
Few More Hours
We are all aware of how demanding a flight attendant’s schedule is. I’ll add one more fact about it. They must work a certain number of hours before they are able to take 12 hours off. They would have to work harder if they didn’t, regardless of how energetic they were.

Few More Hours
Therefore, many times, pilots keep the aircraft in the air for a short while longer just to give the flight attendants one or two more hours to use up before they can finally take a day or two off. It’s advantageous because they won’t have to put in extra effort to log a few extra minutes this way!
A Precaution
This one is the story of an Emirates employee. These guys always forced the flight attendants to lock the entire galley whenever they flew into Saudi Arabia. In the galley, they kept food supplies, napkins, cutlery, and other necessities.

A Precaution
They previously took this action because Saudi Arabian authorities would enter, take what they needed, and leave. The flight attendants were powerless to help, either. They turned to this safety measure as a result.
Dirty Secret Indeed
This time, as the title suggests, we’ll be disclosing a dark secret about the airline business. This one is genuinely disgusting, and after hearing about it, we’d rather avoid flying. So prepare yourself.

Dirty Secret Indeed
A flight attendant once said that the airplane itself is the only thing dirty about their job. They claim that neither the plane’s floors nor its seats have ever been cleaned. We are speechless, and if it is true everywhere, it is revolting.
No Movies Today
These things may be difficult to believe, but they are true. If you ever treat a flight attendant rudely, they will know exactly how to respond. If this were to happen to any passenger, they would be very irritated.

No Movies Today
Your in-flight TV screens can be managed by flight attendants. At least they have the ability to turn them on or off. Many times, if a passenger is unkind to a flight attendant, the flight attendant will start resetting the offending passenger’s TV screen on their computer.
More Secrets
The previous one was hiding something. Prepare yourselves yet again, ladies and gentlemen, as this one is a comparatively dirty secret. Although we don’t want to prevent you from flying, these pretty small things are just abhorrent.

More Secrets
According to an ex-engineer, if an aircraft galley was ever given the same level of scrutiny as a dining establishment, it would be shut down immediately. There are numerous issues with hygiene. The cleaning staff only uses one rag to clean the ceiling and floor, the water tanks are filthy, and the list just goes on.
Luggage Tip
This is the story of a person who traveled the world for the British and Canadian armed forces. This guy would take a lot of those Air Canada luggage tags whenever he stopped at a significant airport in Canada. There is a rationale.

Luggage Tip
When traveling on a commercial flight, many of his American counterparts would also request those, particularly when going to the Middle East or Africa. It’s because nobody stole or mistreated the Canadian bags; in contrast, American luggage was frequently the target!
A Lot Of Info To Read
We feel a little bit safer but also scared after learning this tiny bit of information. Apparently, every cockpit contains a 600-page book. Do you know what is written therein? First of all, a thorough understanding of “what-if” scenarios.

A Lot Of Info To Read
Every single thing that could possibly go wrong on a flight is listed in that book. Everything is possible, including a burning bulb, a bomb threat, an engine problem, or even a biohazard alert. That book, in all honesty, is desperately needed.
Not Always Fun
Although working as a flight attendant appears to be an exciting job, there are times when it is very boring. This is the account of a former flight attendant who claimed to have witnessed a lot of bizarre events during his tenure.

Not Always Fun
There, depression, alcoholism, and drug abuse are all too common, and it’s very challenging to live as a flight attendant. It must be amazing to travel to so many new places at first, but eventually, each exotic location becomes just another workstation.
One Boyfriend Per Country
Many flight crews don’t have a permanent place, as we’ve previously stated. Even those who do may not always have lodging available where they land. It comes as no surprise that some hotels frequently house airline staff. There, they eat, nap, and even use the internet.

One Boyfriend Per Country
One traveler described their experience staying in one of these hotels. They learned that a flight attendant had previously used one of the computers in the business lounge. She regrettably neglected to log out, and the visitor found out that she had boyfriends all over the world!
For Starter
This hidden fact is humorous. This little tidbit of knowledge, which is about two decades old, was provided by an ex-pilot who has been in the business for more than three decades. After hearing this one, you’ll laugh a lot!

For Starter
Russian pilots were once constantly monitored by their employers, who frequently took harsh measures against them, like locking them in a room. All of it was carried out because, occasionally, they would get wasted just before taking off.
Not Like In Movies
Contrary to what we see in movies, airplanes are actually very capable. Usually, when a minor inconvenience occurs, we observe planes waltzing to the ground. That’s not actually the case. You’d be shocked at what an airplane is capable of.

Not Like In Movies
Here is how it would go if we were to give you a brief explanation. On a minimum equipment list, there are a ton of items that could be malfunctioning or broken. Regardless of all the minor setbacks, an airplane can still fly.
Want Some Hot Drink? Think About It First
Another disgusting secret is here for you. An account of one of their flights was provided by a former flight attendant. For boiling water, there was a boiler in the back galley. Additionally, they used it to serve their passengers’ hot beverages like tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.

Want Some Hot Drink? Think About It First
As a passenger, it is best to steer clear of these situations as much as possible because the tanks in which this water is kept hardly ever get cleaned. The worst part is that the waste disposal valve is only a few centimeters away from the water intake used to refill that tank. Gross.
People Know About It
Toilets are located close to passenger seating areas in airplanes. So, whether you want to believe it or not, you can’t hide the fact that you are conducting business there. Some people find it embarrassing, but you can’t stop yourself.

People Know About It
Because we just told you the truth, never believe anything you read about getting a free upgrade or something similar. That sort of thing is simply untrue. Because we are all human, it is best to not worry.
Cabin Safety Officers
This is a well-known fact. It’s more of a matter of common sense. We agree with many others who believe these men shouldn’t simply be referred to as flight attendants. They always prioritize handling minor passenger-related incidents over their other duties.

Cabin Safety Officers
They have to deal with it, and it is obviously very annoying. Therefore, we believe that cabin safety officers should replace flight attendants in the name of their position. They would have to deal with much less if that name change was successful.
Credit Cards
The way airlines make their customers sit through those three-minute infomercials about their credit card program is really bizarre. It’s as if they have a secondary job—selling credit cards—and their primary job is actually selling credit cards. That really irritates me.

Credit Cards
Many short flights are jam-packed with credit card advertising commercials. We don’t see the benefit of using an airline’s credit cards to support them. For frequent flyers, hearing those commercials is even more annoying. It’s just as bad as having to see an advertisement before your YouTube video.