Time can be a cruel enemy to some individuals and a wonderful companion to others, which makes aging a curious thing. These celebrities unquestionably belong to the latter group. Of course, they have access to methods, therapies, and editing tools that are unavailable to most individuals. The question of whether these stars are genuinely maturing or merely stuck in time remains unanswered, though.

Rita Moreno – Born In 1931
You might be thinking, “Well, she doesn’t look that young.” when you look at this picture, but Rita Moreno is 91 years old! We sincerely aspire to look half as good as she does when we are her age. Rita admitted it when pressed about it: “People don’t like to hear what I have to say, [but] it’s bare minimum.” The actress merely washes, moisturizes, and wears sunscreen on her face. Apparently, it’s that easy!
Vanessa Williams – Born in 1963
Vanessa Williams, 59, isn’t embarrassed to acknowledge that her youthful appearance isn’t entirely organic. “My main focus is on skin tightening and collagen boosting. I’ve found that a combination of microcurrent therapy, Ultherapy, and Botox has been most effective for me.”

Vanessa Williams – Born In 1963
We greatly appreciate her candor since it helps establish more realistic standards of beauty. Celebrities that act as though they haven’t had any work done are only encouraging unrealistic standards of beauty. I appreciate you being honest, Vanessa!
Jennifer Aniston – Born in 1969
In our opinion, Jennifer Aniston looks better now at 53 than she did back then! Jennifer’s attention to her health is what gives her a youthful shine. Aniston just wants to feel good rather than attempting to look a specific way or act younger than she is.

Jennifer Aniston – Born In 1969
“For me, it’s more of the question of how do I take the best care of myself, physically and mentally? We can still thrive when we’re older, and that’s thanks to all the advancements in health, nutrition, technology, and science.”
John Stamos – Born in 1963
When 59-year-old John Stamos was asked how he keeps such a youthful appearance, the actor delivered a completely unhelpful but very humorous explanation via a message to his younger self.

John Stamos – Born In 1963
“Hey, little John, you will have a fantastic life as long as you make sure you do one thing. Now on your eighteenth birthday, the Prince of Darkness […] will offer you eternal youth in exchange for your soul. Little John, I’m telling you right now… you take that deal, son.”
Jennifer Lopez – Born in 1969
You only need to adhere to Jennifer Lopez’s anti-aging advice if you want to appear like her at the age of 53. Jennifer tries to get eight hours of sleep every night, but she would really like nine or ten.

Jennifer Lopez – Born In 1969
She drinks a lot of water and eats plenty of fruits and veggies. JLo abstains from consuming alcoholic beverages and uses no products that can damage her lungs. She also avoids caffeine. Does it merit it? You inform us!
William Shatner – Born in 1931
It’s hard to believe, but William Shatner is 91 years old! The actor has called getting older “terrifying,” but he has some procedures in place to manage his mental health. “Keep active because your brain is affected by the rest of your body,” William advises people.

William Shatner – Born In 1931
Shatner always accepts challenges, pushes himself, and makes an effort to leave the house to spend time with his loved ones. In fact, riding bikes with his family is one of his favorite pastimes.
Elijah Wood – Born in 1981
Elijah Wood has always had a youthful appearance for his age, and that hasn’t changed even though he is now 41. We have a hunch that Elijah’s presence has been aided by his uncontroversial status, however we have no proof for it.

Elijah Wood – Born In 1981
He’s less stressed than troublesome celebs because he doesn’t have to worry about doing damage management, according to our completely unscientific study. He appears younger since less stress leads to fewer wrinkles. See? Science!
Halle Berry – Born in 1966
We should all follow Halle Berry’s anti-aging advice, who is 56 years old.“I refuse to become someone who just tries to hold onto a youthful face and not embrace what’s most important about being beautiful — how you live your life. […] The most beautiful people have something radiating inside.”

Halle Berry – Born In 1966
Have you ever met someone who, while not necessarily being the most attractive, you thought was beautiful? This is why there is much more to beauty than just a lovely face.
Mario Lopez – Born in 1973
Mario Lopez, who is 49, exercises like a 20-year-old. The TV personality claims he exercises for “sanity, not vanity,” demonstrating that if you put your attention on improving your health, looking young will follow automatically.

Mario Lopez – Born In 1973
“I think your health should be a top priority, because if you don’t have that, what does anything else matter? I want to just be healthy and be around as long as I can, to be able to be there for my family.”
Pharrell Williams – Born in 1973
Take our word for it; even though Pharrell Williams appears to be 49 in this picture, he hasn’t aged a bit over the past 20 years. Pharrell claims that the reason behind his youthful skin is that he exfoliates “like a narcissistic madman.”

Pharrell Williams – Born In 1973
The music producer frequently wipes his face and hydrates himself. He also attributes his appearance to seeing a dermatologist, which he advises everyone who can afford to do rather than depending solely on skincare items from the drugstore.
Priyanka Chopra – Born in 1982
Even though Priyanka Chopra is 40 years old, she doesn’t appear it. It’s also important to note that the fact that her husband, Nick Jonas, is 10 years her junior contributes to Priyanka’s youthful vitality.

Priyanka Chopra – Born In 1982
Chopra has been incredibly open and accessible about her aging process. We think you look wonderful, Priyanka! My body has changed as I’ve gotten older, just as everyone’s body does, and I’ve had to adapt mentally as well with like, OK, this is what it looks like now.”
Chris Rock – Born in 1965
Chris Rock doesn’t appear to be 57 years old, but we’re not suggesting he looks like he’s 20 either. Planning ahead is a key component of aging gracefully. For instance, you shouldn’t wait to develop an exercise regimen until your body begins to deteriorate.

Chris Rock – Born In 1965
Regular exercise will make your body robust enough to withstand aging when it does occur. Maybe, like Chris, you’ll be able to take a Will Smith slap without breaking a sweat.
Alyson Hannigan – Born in 1974
Although though Alyson Hannigan is 48 years old, in our opinion, she still looks like she’s in her 20s. The actress is best known for her roles in American Pie and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, both of which she acted in while still in her twenties.
Even though Hannigan was older in How I Met Your Mother, she was still only in her early 30s. We are cognitively unable to perceive the actress as being older than 35.
Neil Patrick Harris – Born in 1973
Neil Patrick Harris, 49, is here to assure those of us who are afraid of growing older that we don’t have to be. I truly feel better than I ever have in my entire life.

Neil Patrick Harris – Born In 1973
“As I’m aging, I’m feeling like I am more and more comfortable in my skin and my posture, and my body. I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life, but in more practical terms — as opposed to ‘gym body’ for others.”
Reese Witherspoon – Born in 1976
Reese Witherspoon, 46, is only now beginning to notice the results of her youthful skin care regimen.“Whatever you do for your skin in your early 20s is really going to show up later in life.”

Reese Witherspoon – Born in 1976
“So sunscreen twice a day is a really important part of our routine.” To look just as young as Reese in your 40s, it’s also a good idea to figure out what skincare techniques work for you at a young age.
Bianca Lawson – Born in 1979
In spite of being 31 years old at the time, Bianca Lawson was able to play a high school student in Pretty Little Liars thanks to her young appearance. Bianca still appears young-looking at the age of 43.

Bianca Lawson – Born In 1979
Her secret? “I’ve been using the same products since high school. I feel like the more you leave yourself alone, the better. […] Stick with what’s working and listen to your body.” Noted!
Helen Mirren – Born in 1945
Helen Mirren aims to alter how we perceive the world. We are more likely to heed her advice because she is 77 years old and has experienced it firsthand. Helen wants to start by changing the way we discuss maturing. “[It’s] simple really: Getting older. It happens. Other people call it growing older, but I call it growing up.”

Helen Mirren – Born In 1945
The way we perceive beauty is the second thing Mirren wants to change. “I think what is called the beauty industry should be called the swagger industry. We’re giving people swagger.”
Anna Faris – Born in 1976
The fact that Anna Faris had some work done when she was younger has been publicly acknowledged. The actress’s attitude about her physique has altered after she turned 46. “You know how in your 20s and 30s you think, ‘[Aging] must be so miserable?’”

Anna Faris – Born In 1976
“But I don’t have as many hang-ups now. There’s a wonderful liberation.” With age comes confidence, and confidence is lovely. So, why is society so persuaded that aging is ugly?
Jane Fonda – Born in 1937
At the age of 85, Jane Fonda is fed up with how society views aging. “I want young people to stop being afraid about getting older. What matters isn’t age, isn’t that chronological number. What matters is your health.”

Jane Fonda – Born In 1937
When we consider that Jane has had health concerns for a long period, this sentiment is much more potent. Both health and beauty were simultaneously present in Fonda, but it is obvious which mattered to her more. Maybe we should listen to what she has to say.
Lucy Liu – Born in 1968
According to Lucy Liu, who frequently works on outdoor scenes, her employment has made her more conscientious about her skincare regimen. But the fact that the 54-year-old looks beautiful shows that whatever she’s doing is effective.

Lucy Liu – Born In 1968
“I have to be very rigorous about reapplying sunscreen and wearing a hat and handkerchief around my neck and chest, which are actually more sensitive to the sun than your face.” Does anyone else have a notebook?
Salma Hayek – Born in 1966
Salma Hayek, 56, demonstrated with her statement that she does not possess a mirror, ”I don’t think I am some hot tamale.” Salma stated that she feels pressure to seem a specific way since that’s “what’s expected for a woman who people consider good-looking. As you get older, you’re expected not to age.”

Salma Hayek – Born In 1966
She credits meditation for her overall well-being and for keeping her young appearance. We find it to be a lot of power to devote to one action, yet we can’t contest the outcomes!
Katie Holmes – Born in 1978
The actress advises adopting a skincare regimen rich in hyaluronic acid and various face creams and serums if you want to appear like Katie Holmes at 44. Katie is quite particular about taking her supplements as well.

Katie Holmes – Born In 1978
As we get older, our body quits generating as many proteins as we need, including collagen. Holmes is a dedicated exercise enthusiast. “I exercise four times a week. Variety is key, or I get bored. I like Spinning, boxing, and yoga, and sometimes I’ll take a dance class.”
Tom Cruise – Born in 1962
At the age of 60, Tom Cruise is still acting in action movies, so he must be doing something right! The actor practices healthy eating and regular exercise. Tom’s description of his exercise routines is similar to a country club showcasing all of its amenities.

Tom Cruise – Born In 1962
“Sea kayaking, caving… fencing, treadmill, weights… climbing, hiking… jogging… I do a lot of different activities.” While we don’t all need to do each of those hobbies, picking up one or two of them will surely help with the anti-aging process.
Lenny Kravitz – Born in 1964
By choosing not to dress like an average 58-year-old (because why should he? ), Lenny Kravitz demonstrates that age is just a number. He also travels with a jump rope so he can get some exercise.

Lenny Kravitz – Born In 1964
We must admit, that sounds like a rather enjoyable method to acquire abs in your fifties! “I’m very careful about what I put into my body and how I take care of my body. It’s a combination of eating all these things and working out.”
Thomas Brodie-Sangster – Born in 1990
Thomas Brodie-Sangster has never appeared his age, so it’s hardly surprising that at 32, the actor still exudes a youthful radiance. In actuality, Thomas played a seven-year-old in Nanny McPhee even though he was 14 years old!

Thomas Brodie Sangster – Born In 1990
We commoners are curious as to what Brodie-secret Sangster’s is, despite the fact that he is a filmmaker’s dream because they can have the actor perform feats that a real youngster cannot. “I don’t know. Erm, genes?” Even though the response is unhelpful, it’s reasonable.
Shay Mitchell – Born in 1987
Shay Mitchell is 35 years old, yet based just on appearance, you’d never guess that. We believe that her positive outlook on fitness and desire to set a positive example for her children contribute to her young looks.

Shay Mitchell – Born In 1987
Shay recently resolved to exercise for 30 minutes every day, five days per week. She takes care not to give her children complexes about food. “My food philosophy is everything in moderation. Truly, I’m not one who believes in diets.”
Avril Lavigne – Born in 1984
Avril Lavigne still has a nearly identical appearance to when she first released “Sk8er Boi” at the age of 38. The performer maintains that the key is to consume copious amounts of green juice and alcoholic beverages. Of course, if you subscribe to the Melissa hypothesis, you are aware of Avril’s true anti-aging technique.

Avril Lavigne – Born In 1984
According to the hypothesis, Avril Lavigne passed away in the early 2000s and was replaced by Melissa Vandella. Perhaps Melissa is simply a lot younger than Avril in real life?
Jeff Goldblum – Born in 1952
You’d assume Jeff Goldblum was a middle-aged man by the way he looked. The actor is, in fact, 70 years old. Jeff’s anti-aging strategies involve forgoing aesthetic operations and refusing to colour his gray hair, which is quite counter-intuitive.

Jeff Goldblum – Born In 1952
“I think when nature changes your face — especially if you live a clean life — your body is designed so it all looks right together. When you try to be youthful, it only makes you look older.” You can understand what he means by comparing a photo of Goldblum to a photo of Madonna.
Gwyneth Paltrow – Born in 1972
We are all aware that Gwyneth Paltrow uses numerous Goop products, some of which may or may not work, in order to maintain her youthful appearance at the age of 50. Having said that, the actress’s attitude is equally to blame for her vibrant youth. An attitude that is unrestricted and won’t undoubtedly produce any strange results!

Gwyneth Paltrow – Born In 1972
“I accept the marks and the loosening skin, the wrinkles. I accept my body and let go of the need to be perfect, look perfect, defy gravity, defy logic, defy humanity. I accept my humanity.”
Shakira – Born in 1977
Shakira, 45, is aware that maintaining good skin health will make her look 10 years younger than she actually is. The singer uses “the highest SPF sunscreen I can find. I always avoid damage to my skin from the sun.”

Shakira – Born In 1977
“I also use a vitamin C serum before applying makeup to nourish my skin, along with lots of moisturizer.” It’s also important to note that Shakira avoids overdoing her makeup and lets her skin breathe when she’s not on the red carpet.
Andrew Garfield – Born in 1983
When he was 27 years old, Andrew Garfield was able to play Spiderman’s (debatably) breakout role of 18-year-old Peter Parker because to his young appearance! Even at the age of 39, Andrew still gets to take part in roles intended for actors who are much younger.

Andrew Garfield – Born In 1983
Garfield most recently appeared in Tick, Tick… Bang! as Jonathan, a character approaching 30 years old, earning the actor an Oscar nomination for the part. Maybe Andrew will start playing dad roles when he is 80.
Jamie Chung – Born in 1983
Jamie Chung knows that her body is still aging even though it doesn’t seem like it because she may not seem like she’s 39 years old. In order to teach her fans the value of making such decisions, the actress opted to freeze her eggs when she reached 35. She shared the process with them.

Jamie Chung – Born In 1983
Jamie became a delighted mother of twins in 2021! Her experience may have inspired other women to confront the frightening but necessary truths of aging.
Jared Leto – Born in 1971
When asked about his acting techniques, 51-year-old Jared Leto disappointed everyone by responding,“I do have a good answer for that, but I probably won’t tell you.” Though Jared betrayed that vow in his subsequent breath, his followers weren’t furious for very long.

Jared Leto – Born In 1971
“I’m pretty healthy, so I think that helps a lot. […] 20 solid years of eating vegetarian/vegan and taking care of myself. That probably helps the preservation process.” Jared, you’re really good at appearing young, but not so good at keeping secrets.
Denzel Washington – Born in 1954
Denzel Washington is still going strong at the age of 68! The actor is still active in Hollywood and has avoided being pigeonholed into stereotypical “grandfather” parts. Denzel, as the actor has said, knows how to fully live each day. “You’ll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. You can’t take it with you.”

Denzel Washington – Born In 1954
“When I turned 60, I looked in the mirror, I said, ‘You know, Denzel, this is not the dress rehearsal. This is life […] what are you going to do with what you have?’”
Sarah Hyland – Born in 1990
Although though Sarah Hyland was already 19 years old at the time, she was still able to portray 16-year-old Haley on Modern Family. Sarah still looks young even at the age of 32.

Sarah Hyland – Born In 1990
Hyland claims that she constantly takes care to “taking care of my body from the inside out. The best advice I’ve received is to not only focus on physical health or beauty but mental health as well. Also, lots of water.” You have it now!
Keanu Reeves – Born in 1964
The phrase “Keanu Reeves Is Immortal” frequently trends on Google because to how good Keanu Reeves looks at 58 and how much he resembles people in unrelated historical photographs. But Keanu maintains that his commitment to taking care of his body, rather than being eternal, is what makes him resistant to the ravages of time.

Keanu Reeves – Born In 1964
When the actor was getting in shape for the 1991 film Point Break, he developed a keen interest in fitness. He now trains with a personal fitness “guru” who has worked with him for more than 25 years.
Rob Lowe – Born in 1964
At the age of 58, Rob Lowe attributes his physical fitness, overall health, and youth to behaviors he developed or abandoned when he was younger. “When I was in my mid-20s, it was: I’ve got to stop drinking.”

Rob Lowe – Born In 1964
“Then it became: I need to find a workout that I love, following by starting to eat better, and cutting out things like sugar. […] Each year just requires a little bit more discipline and focus as I get older.”
Gwen Stefani – Born in 1969
Gwen Stefani can thank her husband Blake Shelton for keeping her looking young at the age of 53. “I look back over the past few years and look at pictures of when I first started kissing Blake, and I look the best I’ve ever looked in my life in those photos.”

Gwen Stefani – Born In 1969
“Love must look good on me. I feel like that does show through — it really does.” Thus, just go out and find your Blake if you want to age properly.
Justin Hartley – Born in 1977
When his character on This Is Us aged, 46-year-old Justin Hartley had the unique experience of seeing what he’ll look like in the future. Yet given that the actor doesn’t appear to be aging, it appears he will never see that version of himself in reality.

Justin Hartley – Born In 1977
Due to his diet and training regimen, Justin attributes his famous figure and lack of middle-aged man gut. “If you can combine a sensible diet with a really good workout, you should be fine.”
Michael Cera – Born in 1988
The internet has recently made the observation that 34-year-old Michael Cera doesn’t really get older; rather, he merely becomes less awkward. Or maybe it’s just that at this point, we’ve all become accustomed to his weirdness. Michael is probably younger than he actually is since he is very quiet and doesn’t publicly acknowledge his life’s accomplishments.

Michael Cera – Born In 1988
Cera is perpetually a teenager in our thoughts because his most well-known performances (Superbad and Juno) were those in which he played high school students.
Anne Hathaway – Born in 1982
Although her skin tells a different narrative than her actual age, fans are frequently shocked to learn that Anne Hathaway is 40. Anne is “incredibly disciplined when it comes to her skin.” says her facialist, massaging, exfoliating, cleansing, applying face masks, moisturizing, donning sunscreen, and exercising.

Anne Hathaway – Born In 1982
Even though it may seem like a lot, sticking to a daily schedule will make it much easier to fit in your required self-care time. Without a doubt, it’s worthwhile!
Justin Long – Born in 1978
Although though Justin Long is 44 years old, his youthfulness has been developed over many years. To maintain mental health in addition to physical health, the actor practices exercise, meditation, and counseling. Justin’s hobbies have evolved with time, despite the fact that his appearance has not.

Justin Long – Born In 1978
LAlthough ong is still acting, his attention is primarily on his new podcast. As he states in the podcast description for Life Is Short, “Now that I’m getting older […] I want to peek inside the heads of real people to learn how they find meaning in life.”
Marisa Tomei – Born in 1964
Marisa Tomei’s selection as Aunt May in Spiderman drew a lot of criticism from viewers who believed the actress was too young for the part. Marisa, on the other hand, was in her 50s, just like Aunt May!

Marisa Tomei – Born In 1964
Viewers simply didn’t recognize that Tomei, who is now 58, was the perfect actress for the part because of how much younger she appears. The actress primarily credits eating well for her youthful appearance. Although she claims that infrared sauna detoxification, yoga, meditation, and hiking all assist.
Chadwick Boseman – Born in 1976
Chadwick Boseman’s 43 years of age at the time of his passing shocked many of his admirers because the actor appeared much younger. Chadwick serves as a reminder that getting older isn’t a disease but rather an honor in a culture that shames individuals who age naturally.

Chadwick Boseman – Born In 1976
Regrettably, not everybody has the chance to age. Thus, adore every wrinkle and accept every gray hair since they are signs that you are still alive.
Paul Rudd – Born in 1969
Paul Rudd, 53, is undoubtedly a vampire, but he doesn’t recommend consuming blood to stay young. The actor attributes his good looks to maintaining healthy skin and avoiding a common beauty fad.

Paul Rudd – Born in 1969
“I’m not one for tanning. I used to be, back when I was rocking the Depeche Mode look. Honestly, I wear sunscreen not to prevent wrinkles but because I don’t want to get skin cancer.” Keeping healthy and looking young? Please, yes!